full and intensive aroma
the tasty companion to lunch
ideal starter for a romantic dinner
perfect flavour balance
find your favourite way of serving
make everyday meat unique
pure taste
excellent for cheering yourself up
Quality life
original recipe
discover the real taste of italian food
sunlight hidden in every jar
an all day energy boost
high quality product
don't try to hesitate it!

ZAPISZ SIĘ DO NEWSLETTERA! Dołącz do nas i bądź na bieżąco.

Regulations and privacy policy

Regulations and privacy policy of the “Food&Joy” Web site


Preliminary information

  1. Materials gathered on the Web site are available for Users free of charge. Starting using materials from the Web site means that he or she accepts terms and conditions of this Web site. Every user who starts using the Web site is obliged to become familiarized with its regulations. Users should use the Web site in accordance with its intended use.
  2. Various content from the Administrator or Users is presented within the framework of the Web site. The Site makes it possible to get familiar with the published content. What is more, the User can order the Newsletter.
  3. Within the framework of the Web site the Administrator or/and his partners can organize promotions or/and contests.



Web site – web site available on www.foodandjoy.eu, www.foodandjoy.pl, www.foodandjoy.com.pl.

Administrator – the owner of the Web site, i.e. Alma Market S.A. with its head office in Cracow, the Pilotów 6 Street, post-code 30-964, entered into the register of the entrepreneurs of the National Court Register by the District Court for Cracow – Śródmieście in Cracow, XI Commercial Division of the National Court Register, KRS [eng. National Court Register Number] 0000019474, with share capital of  5 560 990,00 zloty fully paid up, NIP [eng. Tax Identification Number]: 676-001-67-31.

Newsletter – the information in the form of the electronic letter (e-mail) sent by the Administrator in the periodical manner and in perpetuity by the means of the electronic post to the given e-mail address by the User. The Newsletter contains among all the up to date commercial offer, the information on the novelties in the Web site, as well as the marketing campaign and events concerning the Administrator.

Contact form – the electronic document, existing on the Web site, used for transferring information to the Administrator.

User – every person browsing through the Web site and everyone who uses it.

Material – any content published on the Web site by the Administrator/Moderator (recipe, article, entry, photo, graphics, film, etc.)

Recipe adding form – an Internet form enabling the Users to send the suggestion of the recipe to the Administrator. The recipe includes the list of ingredients, the content of the recipe and photos. Submitted recipes are moderated each time (in accordance to the paragraph 5 below).

Posts adding form – an Internet form enabling adding by the User the comments to a given entry in the Web site.


Protection of personal data

Personal data is accumulated and processed by the Web site only for the need of dispatching the Newsletter. Personal data is used in compliance with the scope of the consent given by the User pursuant to the Act of 29 August 1997, on the protection of personal data (Journal of Laws of 2002, No 101, item 926 with later amendments). The User has the right to have the access to the content of his or her data and their changes. Submission of data is voluntary. The Administrator of Users’ personal data with the meaning of the Act on personal data is the Administrator.



  1. Using the Materials published on the Web site does not mean that the User acquires the rights to them. The User may benefit from these pieces only in respect permitted by provisions of the Act of the 4th July 1994 on Copyright and Related Rights (Journal of Laws, No 24, item 83 with later amendments).
  2. The User ensures that the Materials sent through the Form of recipes adding are original, do not violate the rights of third parties and that the User had the full copyright to these Materials.
  3. The User authorizes the Administrator and Moderators of the Web site to make changes in the Materials sent by the User, in particular it concerns the stylistic and linguistic corrections..
  4. Materials are published on the Web site for the definite or indefinite time, according to the decision of the Administrator.
  5. The User is not entitled to the remuneration on account of the use of sent Materials.
  6. Materials may be downloaded by other Users.



  1. Moderation of the recipes added by the recipe adding Form will constitute in verifying by the Moderators the stylistic and syntactical correctness of the content and the correctness of the photo enclosed to the recipe. The Administrator has the right to refuse publishing the recipe that contains the content or elements violating good practice, forbidden by the applicable law, violating the principles of morality or content offending the dignity of another human being, both political and religious. The Administrator may also refuse publishing the recipe without giving any reasons for that.
  2. Moderation of posts added by the post adding Form will consist in the verification by the Moderators. Only those comments which are considered by Moderators to be imaginative contents, enriching the web site, will be published. The Administrator can refuse to publish the comment which contains the comments or elements forbidden by the law, comments offending the dignity of another human being, both political or religious.


Technical matters

The Administrator reserves the right of complete temporary or partial limitation of the Users’  access to the Web site, in order to improve it and carry out the maintenance works.


Entering into force; Changes to the regulations

  1. The development of the Web site, changes in the legislation or the development of the Internet technology may result in the necessity to make changes to the Terms and Conditions. New regulations, with changes will be applicable after 7 days from its publishing.
  2. The following regulations enter into force on the 1st September 2012.



All complaints concerning the functioning of the Web site should be submitted to the Administrator on: kontakt@foodandjoy.eu. The complaint must contain the contact data of the User, where the Administrator will send his reply. The Administrator will send his reply within 14 days from receiving the complaint.